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Being uniquely You

Being free is being uniquely you! You are free to be the person God created you to be. Quite often people don't like who they are, but thats because they haven't encountered the one who made them and adores them. Well some may know Jesus but they aren't aware of how God sees them.

The world has put so many labels on people that many have believed what society and loved ones have spoken of them. But people in general don't see you the way our father and Lord sees us. God see those things that aren't as though they were. You see, Jesus sees you through his finished work on the cross, meaning if you are in Him he sees you holy and blameless without a fault. But you may say, thats not true? I know I have faults. Well all though that is true sometimes the truth is if you are in Christ your a brand new person. The problem is that you don't see yourself through the way God sees you (holy,blameless etc), so you can never become what you don't believe about yourself. True? What you need is your mind to be renewed in the truth of how God sees you and the truth of who your new self is now in Christ.

You may not feel like a new person but the truth is you are because Christ crucified your old man on the cross 2016 years ago. The truth is always what will set you free. So how do you start to believe the truth? Well it is simple, you spend time with your father in His word. If you do this, you will get to know your Lord and He will show you the truth of who you are. You see you are made in His image but if you don't really know Him or have a wrong image of him then you will not see yourself well either. As you behold Him and get to know Him you will become like Him. And best of all faith comes from Hearing and hearing the word of God. And you have to believe and have faith that you are who He says you are.

So my encouragement to you is to get in the word of God and prayer and get to know your father and Lord so you can begin to really discover who you are and How he sees you. Then you will live as He truly created you to be. The labels others put on you won't stick cause you will know the truth and the truth will set you free and keep you free. God doesn't make junk and from my experience when I discovered who I am in Christ He also taught me that I'm unique and i don't have to compete or compare cause I'm special and one of a kind. Im free to be myself, in fact God restored my personality and uniqueness and He says I am very good. He says the same of you today so I encourage you to draw near to Him and discover your uniquely you in Him.

John 8:36, 2 Corinthian 5:17,Romans 10:17,Romans 4:17,Jeremiah 31:3,Psalms 139:14,

2 Corinthians 3:18, Ephesians 1:4-5

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