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His promises are Coming….

Psalms 89:34

I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered.

Our God is a promise keeper. Someone needs to hear this today. I know I did. Sometimes, between what God has promised and it manifesting in our lives. We need to remind ourselves “God does not lie”. And as this scripture say “I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered”..

This is amazing news!!! You can declare and decree this promise from God over your life. And rest…. You may have been standing for a promise for a while and its getting tuff. Sometimes its the hardest just before your breakthrough. Don’t give up on God’s promise for you. He has not forgotten them.

“I will not alter what my lips have uttered”

These words are resounding in my spirit. I believe this is not just His logos word’s to you, but His rhema as well. God is saying ‘I will deliver, it is coming”. Sometimes in the process, God is creating a masterpiece in us. Also creating in us the ability to carry the promises well. Don’t despise the waiting. Anything good is worth waiting for. Be encouraged, His promises are coming.

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